General Questions

To purchase the full version of our mobile apps without going through Google, Apple, Amazon or Huawei payment system, you can use one of these links:

Once purchased, just download the mobile app on any of the store where it’s available, and sign-in in the app with the same account that you use in the purchase process.

Yes it is!

We built a complete translation management tool from scratch to allow this. Anybody can use this online tool to help us translate the apps and make community-driven translations of Complete Ear Trainer, Complete Rhythm Trainer and Complete Music Reading Trainer.

You can find this tool here:

Thank you very much for considering helping us!

Since December 2022, the app licenses are cross-platform: if you buy the full version on Android (Google Play, Huawei AppGallery or Amazon AppStore), you can use it on iOS, and vice versa.

Let’s say for example that you bought the full version of one of our apps on Google Play and you want to use it on an iOS device.

Start by going to the Google Play version of the app, be sure it’s up-to-date, then go to menu, my account and sign-in. If you bought the full version, you should see a message informing you that you own the full version.

Now go to the Apple Store iOS version of the app, be sure it’s up-to-date, then go to menu, my account and sign-in using the same login provider. You can also use a different login provider if it’s associated to the same email account.

If it doesn’t work, please email us so we can sort this out.

If you bought the full version of Complete Ear Trainer, Complete Rhythm Trainer or Complete Music Reading Trainer on Apple Store and want to restore this full version on another iOS device:

  • Be sure to be connected on the new device with the same Apple account with which you purchased the application originally
  • Go to the menu and click on Full version (or click on a locked content, for example the second drill of Arcade mode)
  • Click on Restore

The full version of the app should be restored automatically.

If you previously signed in into the app, it’s even simpler: just go to menu, my account and sign-in with the same account you used previously. The purchase will automatically be restored.

If it doesn’t work, do not hesitate to contact us.

Complete Ear Trainer

To input note names in spelling drills, you have to think of the note circle as a keyboard. Not a piano keyboard, but a computer keyboard.

If for example you want to enter F, just briefly tap on the F button.

If for example you want to enter F#, you have to spell it like you would on a keyboard:

  • Briefly tap on the F button
  • Then briefly tap on the # button (do NOT keep the F button pressed!)

Note that you have less than a second to enter a sharpflatdouble sharp or double flat. If you wait too long, the note will be considered natural.

If you have any questions, please contact us.

Complete Music Reading Trainer

By playing the first drill in the app using the virtual piano keyboard in portrait mode, you might ask why the C key is not “above” the G key.

First, the app is a general app about learning to read sheet music that is aimed at all musicians, whatever their instrument.

Then, the virtual piano keyboard is to be seen as a way to input note names, not their octaves. This is because, especially in portrait mode, we cannot display more than 7 keys. Some drills have more than 5 octaves of range: displaying a virtual piano keyboard with that many octaves would not be possible regardless of the screen size. As a result, the choice has been made that by default we display only note names from C to B.

There are several ways around this though:

  • You can enable the smart keyboard layout in the app settings. This will make the virtual piano keyboard start with a different note to try to accommodate this problem.
  • You can use landscape mode: this will display more keys than in portrait mode.
  • You can use your piano, by connecting it via MIDI to the app (if it has a USB port, it probably can be connected via USB to your device and send MIDI data), or via the microphone.
  • You can use the note circle: that’s the preferred way to use the app if you don’t connect your instrument via MIDI and don’t want to see the virtual piano keyboard as just a mean to input note names.